Gästrike-Hälsinge nation
Founded: 1646 | Members: circa 1800
Pub: Tuesday - Friday
Night Club: Mixed Dates (see Facebook)
Activities: Various (see Facebook)
GH Nation offers a big house with room for studying during the day and hang outs in the evenings. We open our beautiful garden in the warm summer months.
Our pub Ghuben is open every week during the semester and we are proud to offer the largest selection of beers of all the Nations with around 130 different beers from tap and bottle. To go with your drink we offer a burger menu with classic choices as well as vegetarian and vegan options, and one day a week we have the offer 2-for-1 on burgers! Takeovers with different themes are happening during the semester – if you're interested in have one with us, reach out to the 3Q.
Every Saturday we have the Pannkaksbar – aka, the Pancakebar, which offers a broad selection of pancakes that's both sweet and savory! This does not require nationcard.
About once a month we are holding a traditional gasque at the Nation and we're the proud host of a number of student societets: GH-choir, GHames Society (board games), GHIF sport society, SiGHstinska Orchestra and Oenologiska tasting society.
Our scholarship committee is handing out roughly two million Swedish Kronor in scholarships every year, which you are free to apply for as a Nation member.